Feb. 29 Class

We will have our memoir workshop in class on Feb. 29. Please be sure to have all your critique sheets ready.

Please read for class:

  • Tell It Slant: Chapter 14: “The Writing Process and Revision
  • Touchstone Anthology, David Foster Wallace’s “Consider the Lobster,” page 525.

• Tell it Slant: Read Part 1, Chapters 6, “Gathering the Threads of History,” Chapter 7, “Writing the Larger World,” Chapter 8, “Using Research to Expand Your Perspective”

“Fourth State of Matter” by Joann Beard (Touchstone Anthology, page 1)

We will have significant class discussion on these essays and possibly a reading quiz. Be sure to come to class with observations and questions about both.

We will also review the criteria for the upcoming mid-term paper, which is due March 7. You can look at the information for the midterm here.