Assignments for March 7

Read “The Devil’s Bait” by Leslie Jamison for class. Take notes on its: reportage, personal narrative, structure and theme

Read: “Picturing the Personal Essay” by Tim Bascom. Consider which shape Jamison’s essay employs (hint: it might not be one discussed in Bascom’s essay).

Your mid-term paper are due electronically by the start of class. Review criteria here.  No late papers will be accepted. Each of you will be asked to speak briefly about your mid-term: which essay you discussed and your analysis.

I will respond to your email when I receive your mid-term. If I do not respond, I did not receive your paper.

We will discuss your upcoming personal reported essay and have an in-class assignment. First drafts of the personal reported essay are due in class on March 21. Rather than bring multiple copies, bring two copies: one for Julia and one for one-on-one critiques that will happen in class.

I will be meeting briefly with each of you for individual meetings for part of next week’s class to discuss any questions you have about your memoir revision as well as your work thus far this semester.

Please remember you can review class presentations here.